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Boar Available MN

Boar Available MN

Sir Renfred II is a gentle giant. 3.5 years, throws consistently large liters, we are parting because we are letting…
Total views: 0
Price: $ 500.00

Two litters available in Middle Ga

Princess Ann/Gerald Bluebell/Gerald Several feeders and a select few breeders will be available. They will be ready mid-March. Please feel…
Total views: 23
Price: $ 350.00

GOS Pigs available for Breeding and Meat

Purebred GOS pigs available for meat and breeding. All are pasture raised with no medications or hormones and fed a…
Total views: 389
GOS Piglets - Transport Available!

GOS Piglets - Transport Available!

We have 2 litters on the ground and lots to pick from! Located in Alton, MO with transport options. UK…
Total views: 58
Price: $ 500.00


Hi pig people! Spring will be here before you know it and we have lots of expectant sows and piglets…
Total views: 76

Lots of ground pork and sausage

I have a freezer full of ground product. All from pure GOS hogs. pastured, and fed local organic rations. Plain…
Total views: 15
Price: $ 8.50